Jami Broom - Creative Nonfiction Writer

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~Carl Jung

Hello and thank you for your presence! Welcome to my little neck of the woods.

Are you also an introspectionist? Do you enjoy cloud gazing, shoe gazing, or third-eye gazing? Does it frighten or entice you? Introverts are more susceptible to self-examination, but extroverts can do it, too!

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. ~Oscar Wilde.

“Looking in” can sometimes get ugly. And scary. But it’s also a pivot point. Let’s be brave/vulnerable together.

Enjoy reading and leave a comment or two.

See my recent posts here and read more about being an introspectionist here and read my Bio here.